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Some poems



I’m heads and I’m tails

My wins and my fails.

But I’m not all or one Though 

because I’m a coin

Flippin’ don’t be trippin 

both Sides form a whole

So standing with my wins and my fails

My heads and my tails I decide to roll.

The Marriage

Their worlds are one.

Rice cleaves to fish and fish cleaves to rice. 

They stick together through it all.

Big and small. 

One happy little sushi. 


Fish vowed to always shelter her.

Rice to always hold him up. 

And though they are different

flavor is apparent

In One happy little sushi.


Time passes without mercy, 

and the little rolls have grown

And no greater couple is known 

then One happy little sushi.

Sunday Service

All I sea is phones instead of hands.

You can't crowd surf on a sea of plastic. 

I’m removed from human touch. 


Memory is outsourced to a phone.

Infinite feeling demeaned and confined to five inches of glass. 

We need to live in the moment.


It’s like my Dad once told me,

"When you go to a show, don’t watch the screens. you are here for the artist."

I take one last picture, and decide to live.

Kangaroo Pockets

My shirt has two pockets. I’m a double barreled Kangaroo. 

Man truly is superior.

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